- The judge announces An Ning as the winner of the competition.
- Xia Tian acts out a scene and thinks of Ming Jun. He sends her gifts.
- Hao Qian’s parents receive intel on An Ning. They find out she’s a chef.
Hao Qian and An Ning Celebrate
- Hao Qian gives An Ning flowers after the competition. He wants to stay and vacation for a bit. They kiss. He writes her sweet messages before bed.

- The next day, An Ning, Hao Qian, and Gong Chen have lunch. Gong Chen feels like a third wheel and leaves.
- Hao Qian brings An Ning to the wishing tree. They write matching messages to one another and tie it to the tree.
- Back at the hotel, Xiao Wu leaves the team. Gong Chen and An Ning talk about how Xiao Wu ruined the soup stock during the competition. Hao Qian overhears.
- Hao Qian gives An Ning her money back. He also helped out Xiao Wu. They chat in the car and Hao Qian wonders if they should do more than kiss and hold hands. They bump into Ming Jun and Xia Tian.
The Arrival of An Qi
- Xia Tian has put Ming Jun on a probationary period. They run into An Qi.
- An Ning and Xia Tian question the boys about An Qi. They were in a love triangle. The girls force the guys to write self-reviews. An Ning’s mother calls her back home.
- Min Er’s mother asks about her brother. She wants him to marry and stop filming. Min Er warns Wiliam. He tries to find his mystery girl.
- Hao Qian wants An Ning to forget about An Qi. She’s still angry.
- Ming Jun writes his self review. Hao Qian refuses but then secretly writes his.
- Hao Qian gives An Ning his review. An Ning thinks it’s not genuine enough.