- An Ning’s mother catches An Ning sneaking in. She tells her family she stayed over at a female coworker’s after the wedding. They’re disappointed.
- An Ning doesn’t remember anything. She wishes her first time was more romantic.
Saving Xia Tian
- Hao Qian tries to write a text to An Ning. Ming Jun calls him. Ming Jun is with An Ning outside the restaurant where Xia Tian is.
- Hao Qian arrives. They come up with a plan to stop Xia Tian from marrying. Hao Qian pulls them to a side. He sends an “I miss you” text to An Ning by accident.
- Xia Tian sits with them and tells them to leave. The man’s wife and child come in, along with many other children.

Hao Qian’s In Love
- Hao Qian drags An Ning away. She thanks his help with Xia Tian. An Ning doesn’t blame him for that night. She says they can forget it.
- Hao Qian proposes. He leans in to kiss her but the seatbelt blocks him. She laughs.

- Gong Chen and Meng Lu argue on the way home. She gives him sass. Her lightbulb fused and she asks for his help. He fixes it. Meng Lu sees a bug and freaks out, tripping Gong Chen and injuring his hand.
- Xia Tian thanks them for stopping her marriage. Ming Jun tells Xia Tian he’ll give her whatever she wants – love, money, marriage.
- Hao Qian’s father finds out about An Ning. He hopes she can make Hao Qian better.
- An Ning thinks Ming Jun is showing Xia Tian true love and that she should accept. Hao Qian tells her his proposal wasn’t out of responsibility for the one night stand. Xia Tian and Ming Jung are shocked.
- Gong Chen gets a brace for his broken arm. He wants Meng Lu to make him dinner.
- Xia Tian asks An Ning about Hao Qian. She thinks An Ning should go for it.
- Ming Jun’s father calls him back to New York. Hao Qian thinks of An Ning.
- An Ning wonders if Hao Qian truly likes her.
- Hao Qian asks Gong Chen who should replace him for the National Cooking Competition. He suggests An Ning.
- Hao Qian brings An Ning to his secret garden. He confesses and kisses her.