- Xia Tian works on set and gets bullied by the other actress. Ming Jun sees. She faints and he saves her from the water.
- Hao Qian picks out a dress for An Ning. An Ning compares her mother to a broccoli and herself to a cornflower.
- His parents find out Hao Qian was with a female. They wonder if his illness has healed.
- Xia Tian faints on the street. Ming Jun brings her to the hospital.
- An Ning tells Hao Qian Mr. Bai intends to sign with Long Teng. She thinks he’s only using her for business power, not to recover lost memories. She cancels the contract.
- He tells her he has pain but she doesn’t believe it. Pain comes from trying to forget, not from remembering.

- Hao Qian goes in for a therapy session. He wonders if he won’t be cured.
- Meng Lu and Gong Chen argue in the cafeteria. She implies he’s old and she doesn’t like old men.
Hao Qian Tries To Get An Ning to Reconsider
- An Ning ignores Hao Qian. He follows her to the subway. He wants to start the contract again and offers to give her a raise.

- An Ning visits Hao Qian at his home. She’s brought him congee. He asks her to reconsider the contract. She leaves. He stops her at the stairs and they both trip. Hao Qian accidentally touches her butt.
- Hao Qian chases An Ning outside. He’s remembered the memory relating Du Kai. He tells her he won’t use her for business motives. She says she’ll consider the contract based on her mood.