This post is for The Protectors Episode 1 Recap
- In the previous episode the team did not reach enough of a step count to exchange for 4 plane tickets. Yan Lin has to stay back himself to complete tasks and buy a ticket.
- Zi Tao is sick and wakes up unwell. The three head out in the morning to go to the Arctic Circle. They arrive in Svalbard, Norway.
- Zi Tao heads to the hospital. Morten, their guide brings Dong Yu and Yin Zheng around Longyearbyen.
- In Oslo, Yan Lin has to work to collect 750RMB to buy his ticket. He has trouble communicating with locals.
Shooting Range
- Dong Yu and Yin Zheng arrive at the shooting range. They shoot to protect themselves from polar bears and to scare it away. They learn the proper rifle shooting techniques.
- Dong Yu is up first to shoot. She’s scared and taken aback by the first shot. After she shoots the next four steadily. Yin Zheng easily shoots.
- Zi Tao arrives at the shooting range, feeling better. He tries shooting. None of his bullets make it on the board. Dong Yu and Yin Zheng’s shots make it on the board.
- After, they drive back home. Yin Zheng recounts how Zi Tao initially hated acting and only wanted to sing. But slowly, after seeing other talented actors in their work and acting in more dramas, he fell in love with acting.
- Yan Lin finds work at a food truck selling Asian cuisine. He successfully earns 750RMB.
- Yan Lin is kicked out of their previous home. He finds Brother Liu who lets him crash at his home.
Sleeping In a Tent
- In Svalbard, the three arrive at their tent where they will spend the night. Linne helps them turn on the electricity and they find a warm wooden house.
- The three set up security measures around the home. They learn how to set up a polar bear trap.
- The three decide to sleep outside in the tent to experience the Arctic. At night, some locals tell them it’s too dangerous to sleep in the tent.