- He thinks back to how he used his Glory prize money to buy Mu Qiu the arcade game.
- In present day, Mu Cheng watches him play the arcade game, both crying.
- The team is a mess. They blame each other for the loss and mistakes. They decide to disband. Ye Xiu walks in. He tells them they should make their own choice.
- Tang Rou leaves. Wei Chen plays with friends but they leave to their actual lives.
- Tang Rou arrives at the music academy and talks with her teacher. She’s no longer afraid of losing competitions and doesn’t run away.
- Wei Chen is about to sell his gaming ID card. Bao Zi walks in and sees. Wei Chen doesn’t think he should play Glory anymore, given his hand. Wei Chen goes back in and signs the contract.
- Mo Fan sits in the cafe, looking to see the others come back. Mu Cheng joins him. He believes they’ll come back.
- Mu Cheng finds Ye Xiu. He’s gathered the materials for the Qian Ji San but feels it isn’t the same. Mu Cheng gives him Mu Qiu’s coin and tells him Mu Qiu initially used it to decide if Mu Cheng should stay with him or be sent to relatives. Ye Xiu changed their fate.
- Mu Cheng tells Ye Xiu the best thing that happened to her and her brother was him.
- Xing Xin advances to the finals. Media asks Chen Guo if Xing Xin is disbanding. Wu Chen comes in supporting her. He will continue to collect materials for the Qian Ji San.

They lost didn’t they? How did they advance to the final??
Yep so they lost to Team Zhu Xian but how the challenge competition worked was each team was ranked based on points. They were in Group B and even though they lost this game they had the highest amount of points in their group at the end to advance to the finals against Jia Shi 🙂
Omg. Thank you! I’ve been breaking my head over this for two days! Unable to progress with the show!
No problem! I know, this was a really minor detail they skimmed over when they qualified, so it was definitely easy to miss!