- Shi Qin finds Sun Xiang at the bar. Sun Xiang finds out Shi Qin has joined Jia Shi.
- Happy Internet cafe is set up for Xing Xin. They begin practice.
- Because Xing Xin is a new team, they must start in the mentor competition and get the rights to head to the challenge competition. They will have to place first in order to enter the pro-league.
Entering the Mentor Competition
- The register for the mentor competition and scope out the other teams.
- Ye Xiu meets Shi Qin. Shi Qin thinks back to how he lost to Ye Xiu. Ye Xiu gives him advice afterwards.
- Xing Xin runs into Jia Shi during registration. They introduce themselves in a showdown.
- Yi Fan worries about their results. He tells everyone not to worry and they disband.
- The team all secretly log on individually. Results come out and Xing Xin will face Wei Cao.
- Tao Xuan tells Shi Qin he shouldn’t go on at the same time as Sun Xiang. Shi Qin objects. Sun Xiang cooperates with Shi QIn.
- The mentor competition consists of each team trying to pass through the mentors and reach the finish point. In order to beat Wei Cao, Yi Fan believes they need a cleric on their team.
- Yi Fan writes notes and the others jokingly steal it. He shows Ye Xiu the list of candidates. They want to recruit An Wen Yi.
- Wen Yi arrives to Happy Internet. Yi Fan conducts an interview. Wen Yi doesn’t care to answer the questions properly. Ye Xiu appears and they decide to play the mentor competition as a test.
- Wen Yi stops mid-game. Ye Xiu has stopped all of them and Yi Fan has given instructions too late. Wen Yi starts to leave but Ye Xiu tells him to stay.