Drama Info: Title: Detective (侦探语录) Zhen Tan Yu Lu Episodes: 26 Release Date: October 25, 2020 Film Location: Hengdian, Xiangshan Summary: The Chinese drama is…
Drama Info: Title: Overlord (九流霸主) Jiu Liu Ba Zhu Episodes: 36 Release Date: October 23, 2020 Film Location: Hengdian Summary: The Chinese drama tells the…
Drama Info: Title: Dear Mayang Street (亲爱的麻洋街) Qin Ai De Ma Yang Jie Episodes: 37 Release Date: October 22, 2020 Film Location: China Summary: The…
Drama Info: Title: The Blooms at Ruyi Pavilion (如意芳霏) Ru Yi Fang Fei Episodes: 40 Release Date: October 21, 2020 Film Location: Hengdian Summary: The…
Drama Info: Title: Black Lighthouse (黑色灯塔) Hei Se Deng Ta Episodes: 30 Release Date: October 21, 2020 Film Location: Fujian Xiamen Summary: The Chinese drama…
Drama Info: Title: Professional Single (我凭本事单身) Wo Ping Ben Shi Dan Shen Episodes: 24 Release Date: October 17, 2020 Film Location: China Summary: The Chinese…
Drama Info: Title: Meeting You (谢谢让我遇见你) Xie Xie Rang Wo Yu Jian Ni Episodes: 28 Release Date: October 13, 2020 Film Location: Guilin Summary: The…
Drama Info: Title: Parallel Lost (平行迷途) Ping Xing Mi Tu Episodes: 18 Release Date: October 13, 2020 Film Location: China Summary: The Chinese drama tells…
Drama Info: Title: Living Toward The Sun (向阳而生) Xiang Yang Er Sheng Episodes: 40 Release Date: October 12, 2020 Film Location: Hangzhou Summary: The Chinese…
Drama Info: Title: Sniper (瞄准) Miao Zhun Episodes: 57 Release Date: October 9, 2020 Film Location: China Summary: The Chinese drama follows the story of…