- Gui Chen mourns the loss of his fellow Tian Qu. Xiao Zhou asked why he agreed to come to Di Du so easily. He tells her he married Yu Ran for Ji Ye and left Xia Tang for them. Gui Chen respects Xiao Zhou for protecting her kingdom.
- Gui Chen and Xiao Zhou arrive in Di Du. Yu Ran waits for them on an elephant. They run into Yu Ying and Ji Ye.
- Gui Chen, Ji Ye, and Yu Ran drink. Yu Ran is angry and ignores Ji Ye. They all make up and decide to head to Gui Chen’s Northern home (Cao Yuan).
- Xiao Zhou meets her brother who is drunk. The Yin King can see Xiao Zhou likes Gui Chen. He wants to use Tian Qu to defeat all his enemies.
- Gui Chen arrives and speaks for the Tian Qu who sacrificed their lives. The Yin King wants to kill Ying Wu Yi but Gui Chen objects as it’ll hurt innocent people.
- Gui Chen meets with the Li King. Ying Wu Yi tells him the Yin King wants to always be at the centre and have the other rulers watch over the four corners of the world. Ying Wu Yi doesn’t care if there’s a king or not.
Yin and Li Showdown
- The Yin King meets with Tian Zhan. He wants Tian Qu to help kill Ying Wu Yi. They don’t tell Gui Chen the plan.
- Ying Wu Yi meets the Yin King outside. The King gives his sword for Ying Wu Yi to kill him but Ying Wu Yi doesn’t want to.
- Tian Qu surround Ying Wu Yi and his soldiers. Gui Chen comes to stop Tian Qu. Tian Qu listens to Gui Chen and put their swords away.
- Gui Chen tells Ying Wu Yi he stopped Tian Qu to prevent Yin soldiers from uprising and killing innocents.
- Gui Chen coughs out blood. At the same time, Lei Bi Cheng bleeds. Bi Cheng foresees big changes coming to Eastern continent. He tells the symptoms to the grand princess.