- Lei Bi Cheng meets the grand princess. He shows her a vision and uses Chen Yue magic to make her younger. She agrees to his help in taking the throne.
- Gui Chen has a nightmare and wakes to the Yin King by his side. The King tells Gui Chen of the tensions between the kingdoms and Tian Qu and that Xiao Zhou has left.
- Gui Chen offers to go to Lie Guo to ease tensions.
- He runs into Ji Ye outside and asks if Ji Ye really would’ve killed him during the competition. Ji Ye doesn’t respond.
- Princess Zhou is stopped by Ning Qin who wants her to turn back to Yin Kingdom.
- Yu Yi talks with Ji Ye. She tells him Gui Chen will die very soon.
- The kingdoms receive the announcement to come to Yan Fa Lake. Xia Tang sends soldiers to protect Gui Chen.
- Gui Chen and Xiao Zhou rest at night. She tells him she’s not really a princess as she’s not in the Yin books. Her mother is Bai Shun, the ruler of Chu Wei and everyone thinks she is the illegitimate child between Bai Shun and the past Yin emperor. The past Yin emperor never acknowledged her as his daughter.
- Redteeth chase after them. They attack and injure Gui Chen and Xiao Zhou. Ji Ye comes and saves them.
The Gathering of the Kingdoms at Yan Fa Lake
- The three head towards Chu Wei. Ji Ye leaves them when they reach the border.
- Xiao Zhou discusses with the other kingdoms about Tian Qu. Gui Chen promises them Tian Qu won’t exact revenge on those that wronged them. Xiao Zhou asks them to trust Tian Qu.
- Redteeth approach Yan Fa Lake and attack. Tian Zhan and Tian Qu come help. They get surrounded by Redteeth and escape on a boat.
- Xiao Zhou is disgusted at the kingdoms’ distrust in Tian Qu after they were saved by them. The kingdoms’ one-by-one accept Yin’s decree on the exoneration.