This post is for Lucky’s First Love Episode 20 Recap. You can watch this series on iQiyi.
- He Yu confronts Yao Qing at work. He wants to take responsibility. Yao Qing tells him to stop being childish.
- TIG staff celebrate the company’s 2-year birthday and surprise Xia Ke. They celebrate and drink. Xia Ke thanks Xing Yun and wants her to just stay by his side.

- Xia Ke is upset Xing Yun is keeping them a secret at work. She explains her rationale and thinks it’s also better in case they break up. Xia Ke tells her to delete this thought from her head forever.
- He Yu and Xing Yun go for lunch. He asks what she likes about Xia Ke and takes notes.
- Xia Ke waits outside for Xing Yun and He Yu to arrive. Xia Ke comes out. Xing Yun hugs him.
- Xing Yun tries to wait for CEO Qin at the manga bookstore. At night, she can’t fall asleep. She asks Xia Ke why he wants CEO Qin to be an investor. Xing Yun is determined to help find Qin. Xia Ke tells her he only needs her to stay by his side.

- People gossip about Yao Qing at work. He Yu defends her.
- Xing Yun waits at the bookstore and sees Qin’s daughter. Xing Yun befriends her.
- After, Xing Yun and Xia Ke dress in cosplay and attend a party with Qin’s daughter. They find out Qin is in Las Vegas.
Saving TIG
- Xing Yun says goodbye to Xia Ke at the airport. He wants her to go with him to Vegas. He kisses her goodbye.

- Yao Qing’s client pesters her. He Yu stops him. Yao Qing tells him to stop thinking about what happened. She doesn’t think they’re a good match. She can’t forget about all the girls he dated and tells him he was just filling in for Xia Ke.
- Xia Ke finds Qin in Las Vegas. He helps Qin with a task and they talk business. Qin is interested in TIG.
- Xing Yun finds out from Amy that Xia Ke still has his house. She heads over and tries to hack the password.