Great Escape Episode 6: Escape Abandoned School (逃离废弃学校) Tao Li Fei Qi Xue Xiao
Captain: Zhang Guo Wei

- Physics Room:
- Deng Lun holds onto the electricity ball for 1 min
- They head to the storage room
- Organize books on bookshelf, get the hint to pull curtains half open
- Use window panes to unlock code
- In the corridor find a person and retrieves key
- Duty Room:
- The desk has a contraption that opens the wall
- Secret Room:
- Open packages of bottles to find key to unlock locker
- Locker in duty room has key
- Room of ruins leads to second floor
- 2nd floor washroom
- Unlock lock box with phone number and get chemistry tools
- Change pink solution to clear to get passcode
- Chemistry Room
- Use chalk and notebook code to unlock locked door
- Rooftop
- Jump onto air cushion
- Yang Mi and Yi Lin don’t jump -> team fails the escape