Great Escape Episode 4: Scary Boxing Hall (惊叫拳击馆) Jing Jiao Quan Ji Guan

- Room 4
- They open the door and it is full of skeletons.
- They go back downstairs and take the name of the boxer from the video in the first room to open the boxing ring.
- The boxing ring opens and they enter a very sticky corridor to escape.
- The robots escape their cases and chase them.
- Room 5: Resting Room
- The resting room has four turning doors, they enter a secret room full of body parts to find the key on top of their heads.
- They yell Barbaros and the head spits out a key.
- Room 6: Boss’ Room
- They use the daughter’s photos of her talking to piece together the password.
- The daughter is in the room with the key to open room 7. They wear costumes but find out the key is a fake and she’s also a robot.
- Room 7: Secret Corridor
- They find the key in room 6 and use it to escape.