Great Escape Episode 3: Scary Boxing Hall (惊叫拳击馆) Jing Jiao Quan Ji Guan
Team Captain: Deng Lun

- Start in elevator : all do squat position to open elevator
- Room 1: Ticket Room
- Ticket machine: need 1000 tickets to pass, tickets are obtained through talent acts and then need password to unlock
- Need a score over 1500 on the punch meter to enter boxing hall free of charge
- Room 2: Bar
- They find the key in an empty water bottle and use it to open a box which contains different numbered objects
- Using the piano sheet they play songs that correspond to the objects to create a password that opens room 1’s ticket machine. It spits out a key to open the door
- Room 3: Aisle
- They light up all the buttons on the display cases and it awakens the robots and opens the elevator door
- Room 4: Vip Room on Third Floor
- They want to open a door that says do not open