Great Escape Episode 2: BBQ Shop Secrets (烧烤店的秘密) Shao Kao Dian de Mi Mi

- Common area had lockers with clothes, use keys from Room 1 to unlock
- Common area has music player
- Room 8: Showers
- The room is full of bubbles. They find two keys, keys unlock locked doors in change rooms
- Room 9: Male Change Room
- Unlocks a door with room covered in bricks, poster offers clues
- Room 10: Female Change Room
- Unlocks a door with room covered in bricks
- Use song about the Chinese Zodiac from the music player to match posters with the correct animals to find code
- Room 11: Cat & Dog Squatting Area
- Find dogs and cats
- Push open the door to 12
- Room 12: Cat & Dog Home
- Locked room with key on other side, small doggy door
- Use the dog to retrieve the key
- Room has a garage door mechanism, they find the button to push door up and escape!
- Total time: ~10 hours