Great Escape Episode 1: BBQ Shop Secrets (烧烤店的秘密) Shao Kao Dian de Mi Mi

- Everyone has blindfolds as they enter the escape room
- Room 1: Warehouse
- The team needs to find a key
- The guys all eat hot peppers
- They find a phone with clues
- Way out: key is hidden in the inseams of a jacket
- Room 2: Cold Storage
- Match the weight of the man on the phone on the scale and hold position for 5 seconds to unlock the door
- room 3: BBQ Restaurant
- Way out: match the number of Mai Dong bottles to unlock
- Stack chairs to find the words
- Room 4: Washroom
- Use the toilet plunger to open the kitchen conveyer system in room 2’s freezer room
- Run on conveyer belt
- Room 5: Slaughter Room
- Grab vinegar and oil from previous rooms, stir the liquid, retrieve key
- Room 6: Processing zone
- Find a phone, hear a message and the key code in the background
- Punch in key code to unlock door
- Room 7: Anti-theft channel
- Climbed over together as a team to lower down level