- Fans meet Team Solo outside. Shang Yan thinks about the past and the future.
- The team greets fans from the stage after their goodbye competition. Team Solo will always be present in the CTF competitions, helping others succeed. He knows the championship belongs to China.
- Tong Nian jumps onto Shang Yan and hugs him close in front of everyone. She thinks he was amazing tonight. Solo invites all of them to a party.
Marriage Proposal
- Shang Yan brings Tong Nian to Beijing station, the beginning of his new life. As he talks about Team Solo, Tong Nian tells him the past only makes him stronger.
- Shang Yan tells Tong Nian he has another dream that hasn’t been fulfilled yet. He gives her his championship ring and asks her to marry him. Tong Nian freezes up. She’s nervous and Shang Yan tells her they’ll wait.
- They both sit in the taxi awkwardly and reflect.
- Tong Nian tells Ya Ya she rejected the marriage. She doesn’t know what to do.
- Shang Yan meets with Team Solo. He’s sad over the proposal. They cheer him up.
- Tong Nian asks Wu Bai about Shang Yan’s romantic history.
- Tema Solo stays out all night chatting and playing.
- Shang Yan finds Tong Nian asleep on the couch. It’s still awkward as they get ready.
- They arrive to breakfast. K&K gossip.
- On the plane Tong Nian asks if Shang Yan thinks she’s useless and angry at her for not accepting the proposal. He tells her he wants her to have her own opinions and that she’s helped him a lot. They make up and Tong Nian kisses him on the cheek.
- Shang Yan drops Tong Nian off. Her parents aren’t home yet and she invites him in.