Here’s the Find Yourself Ep 18 Recap. You can watch this drama on MGTV or Netflix.
Yuan Song & Fan Xing’s Date
- Yuan Song brings Fan Xing to look at night scenery. He knows she’ll worry if he spends money and that he didn’t have time to do something without money. Fan Xing realizes he knew about her worry ever since she fully stocked his fridge.
- Yuan Song tells Fan Xing she looks extremely beautiful tonight. She bursts out laughing and he tickles her. She grabs onto him and hugs him. Fan Xing feels dating is great and he’s fulfilled all her dating wishes. Yuan Song tells her to ask for more.
- Fan Xing tells him to curse her to be unhappy If they ever break up. Only if you didn’t love the person anymore would you wish them happiness. If you still liked the other person you’d want them to be unhappy. Fan Xing gives him a gift. It’s Gucci.
- The next day Fan Xing’s left a note at Yuan Song’s. She wishes him good luck in his thesis defence.
- Fan Xing’s university classmate Amy comes to the company and wants their business. Fan Xing plays nice. Cong Xiao comes in to discuss the deal. Amy asks about Fan Xing’s boyfriend and Cong Xiao says she doesn’t have a boyfriend.
- Cong Xiao asks Fan Xing for help with Lu Ming. She compliments him and Chang Huan overhears.
- Min Min does a sales pitch on a shower to Lu Ming. She doesn’t have enough money from her mom to buy it and wants him to buy it for her. He tells her to sell her bags and other brand items. Min Min feels sad she can’t get the boy she likes and the things she wants. Lu Ming doesn’t get what’s so good about him.

Yuan Song’s Decision
- Fan Xing looks at Yuan Song’s resignation letter and thinks about him. Earlier, Can Yang gave her his recommendation letter for Yuan Song to study abroad. She gives it back to him. She signs the resignation letter.
- Can Yang gives his recommendation letter to Yuan Song. Yuan Song is unsure of which school to go.
- Fan Xing, Lu Ming, and Cong Xiao go play pool. Fan Xing watches Lu Ming win. Then, Fan Xing plays and beats him.

- Yuan Song meets up with Mei Yin. He’s unsure if he should go abroad or not. Yuan Song feels two years is too long and though Fan Xing will agree it’ll hurt their relationship. He wishes if he went abroad that Fan Xing would wait for him. He worries that Fan Xing’s reasoning will take over her love and that they’ll end if he leaves. Mei Yin supports him no matter what decision he makes.
- Cong Xiao watches Lu Ming and Fan Xing. At night Fan Xing chats with Yuan Song.
- The next day Yuan Song takes graduation pictures. Fan Xing watches with Song Xue. Even if they could go back in time they both don’t want to. She’s hardened up over time and knows what only time can do to a person. Fan Xing tells Song Xue Yuan Song is going abroad and hasn’t told her about it.
- Yuan Song comes over to take pictures with them. He wants to treat them for lunch and knows Song Xue is the only one that knows about them so far. They poke fun at one another.