Here’s the Find Yourself Ep 15 Recap. You can watch this drama on MGTV or Netflix.
- Fan Xing kisses Yuan Song and asks if he wants to eat noodles or… drink coffee first. She smells perfume in the kitchen. Yuan Song heads out for work.
- Min Min tells her friends about Yuan Song and his girlfriend. She wants to know who it is and they decide to go to his home to see for themselves.
- The client is unhappy over a light installation. Yuan Song is grumpy Chang Huan called him out for such a small matter on a Sunday.

Fan Xing is a Cleaning Lady?
- Fan Xing does an entire cleanup of Yuan Song’s home. Min Min and her friends come up and mistake her for the cleaning lady. They head into his home to wait for him. Fan Xing calls Yuan Song and tells him to treat him like the cleaning lady as well when he comes back. The friends call Fan Xing Auntie, angering her.
- Yuan Song comes back home. He doesn’t think it’s right for Fan Xing to pretend to be the cleaning lady. Given the situation they continue to pretend in front of the classmates. Yuan Song sees them eating the heart cake he bought for Fan Xing. Min Min tells them she stayed over at Can Yang’s last night. Fan Xing hears the conversation from the bedroom.

Yuan Song Puts His Foot Down
- Fan Xing quickly leaves. Yuan Song chases after her and kisses her in the elevator passionately. He’s changed his mind and wants to cancel the 3 months training period. Starting now he wants people to know their relationship. She thinks it’s crazy and he thinks he’s crazy for listening to her in the first place. They’re not doing anything wrong so they shouldn’t need to hide.
- Yuan Song doesn’t think it’s shameful that he likes her. He doesn’t want to discuss it and Fan Xing understands and tells him to do what makes him happy. She giggles and runs out.
- Lu Ming and Steven go get massages. His wife is angry at him and is ignoring him. She wants him to admit his wrongs for getting involved in his son’s life.
Fan Xing Sets Up Lu Ming
- Cong Xiao leaves Chang Huan and Qing Qing. He hears she’s going on a date after. Fan Xing sets up Cong Xiao and Lu Ming during badminton. She introduces the two of them. Lu Ming finds it suspicious.
- Fan Xing easily beats Lu Ming. She then plays against the two of them and purposely loses. Fan Xing makes up an excuse to get out of dinner and Lu Ming sees through the lie. He’s disappointed in her.

- At home Fan Xing tells her parents she was introducing Lu Ming to Cong Xiao. Her mom gets angry. Mrs. He tells them Lu Ming and her chat all the time on WeChat. Fan Xing finds out that Can Yang is eating dinner with Yuan Song, freaks out and leaves.
Can Yang and the Couple
- Yuan Song seeks advice from Can Yang. Can Yang finds it weird that the other person wants to keep Yuan Song a secret.
- Fan Xing arrives. She bickers with Can Yang and drinks. Yuan Song takes the beer away from her and pours it for her. Can Yang wants him to be his son. Fan Xing spits out the beer when she hears this. Can Yang suggests Fan Xing can give Yuan Song love advice.
- Min Min is in a bad mood. She tells Lu Ming about going to Yuan Song’s. She asks Lu Ming what he’d think if there was a woman wearing cleaning clothes and a mask alone in a man’s home. Lu Ming says it’s either his mom or girlfriend. Min Min realizes they mistook Yuan Song’s girlfriend for a cleaning lady.
- Yuan Song and Fan Xing get into a heated argument.