This post is for Blossom In Heart Episode 51 Recap
- General Hu and Shi Ji Zhou discuss how to deal with Si Nian and Long De Shui. Ah Wen asks what they plan to do. Ji Zhou asks Ah Wen to take Mo Hua somewhere far tomorrow. If he doesn’t, Ji Zhou will lock him up.
- Both Hai Tang and Yue Xuan have bad dreams. The next day, Hai Tang discovers Yue Xuan wearing her dad’s pendant. They open it and find the final sheet of her dad’s notebook.

- Si Nian arrives to talk to Yue Xuan. Si Nian explains he hid the truth to protect the family. He apologizes. Yue Xuan thinks leaving Lang family is his best choice.
- Yue Xuan and Hai Tang decide to team up with Long De Shui against Shi Ji Zhou. He goes warm De Shui of Ji Zhou’s plans.
- Mo Hua gets taken hostage. Ah Wen tries to reason with her. The soldiers bring them away but are hit with bombs. Long De Shui faces off against General Hu.
- General Hu takes Mo Hua at gunpoint. Mo Hua tells her dad not to come closer. Mo Hua loosens the ties pushes General Hu. Ah Wen shoots the general but also gets shot.
- Mo Hua clings onto Ah Wen. Yue Xuan and Hai Tang arrive. He passes. Yue Xuan regains his childhood memories.
- Shi Ji Zhou prepares to collect the Lang manor. Yue Xuan arrives to stop Shi Ji Zhou.